
28 October 2008

K.  First I want to say that I am in no ways ending Fledg.
However, what with life, work, and my more active social life, I haven’t really been able to keep up.

I may take this down time to learn how to properly use a tablet.  I feel it might help.

Anyway.  Fledg will return.  Possibly on it’s own domain.


19 September 2008


life, following its true nature, has gotten complicated and just busy.
this is not the end of the Fledgling Adult… but as of right now, I can’t make any predictions as to when regular updates will begin.

… and no.  I’m still single.

-lane k.


21 August 2008

so. I actually have a slightly legitimate excuse, though it is an excuse.

Recently, two little bundles of joy in the form of kittens entered my life and my bedroom. They’re 13 week old sisters, and now that they’re a bit more acclimated, they’ve been running around like crazy. I haven’t gotten a full night’s sleep since they arrived.  My room is slightly wrecked and all valuables have gone into hiding.

Anyway.  Actual posts will come soon… I just need some sleep…



8 August 2008

still alive.

however, this being uber busy stuff isn’t all that fun.
I haven’t really gotten to rest much, which means I haven’t gotten a chance to sketch…
It will happen… I’m going to make a very strong effort next week.

.. I seriously wish those “Free Hugs” people where in this area… I could go for some free hugs….



21 July 2008

so a new distraction has come up in my life…
and no.  I’m still single, so it’s not due to any person.
basically two things (beyond work) have consumed my time: Finale NotePad software and my new Casio.

Also, I hate getting to serious here… but well, there’s been a significant amount of added stress in my life, and though deep down, I know I’ll be fine.. my imagination has a pretty strong will of it’s own…

Anyway! Enough of that!



12 July 2008

– Lane.

BOAT. (plus update)

10 July 2008

I'm classy

maybe I’m too easily amused. (nah)

Sadly, this is the last of my stash of posts from before vacation (I was smart and left just one… thinking I’d work at the beach like last time… pft) … so yes, this will mean yet another small break, but I am working on getting new posts finished: sketched, inked, scanned, edited, posted. However, I sort of need to take care of the increasing pile of adult things which are overtaking my scanner (ie. bills, gross).

But as a slight tease, here are things to look forward to in future posts:
belated birthday stuff
my vacation
lil G in all her glory
more roommate antics
a really awesome marching band
and of course, my continual lack of dating (fail.)


the limits with this medium…

20 June 2008

this IS my happy face....